
allergies and The Eyes
When we watch the weather this time of the year, along with the temperature and forecast, the biggest bit of information provided is the pollen count. Pollen are airborn allergies picked up and carried by winds. Already this year, they are in full bloom here in the south, with the counts lower in the northern […]

Inflammation in the Eye & Causes
There are a variety of underlying causes for different types of inflammation in the eye. Inflammation can take place in any part of the eye from the front (conjunctiva and sclera), the middle (the uvea), to the back (the retina). The ways to classify ocular inflammation are according to which part of the eye is […]

What to Know about Floaters
Metrolina Eye is now offering Laser Eye Floater Treatment at all North Carolina locations. Read on to learn more about what eye floaters are, what causes eye floaters, and when you should seek treatment. What’s that floating spot in my vision? Have you ever noticed those annoying little spots floating across your vision? If you […]

Evaluating and treating Dry Eye Disease is key for premium lens patients
Dry eye disease (DED) is one of the most common disorders I see in my practice, and it can significantly affect cataract surgery outcomes. DED not only leaves patients feeling uncomfortable but also hinders surgeons’ ability to get accurate preoperative measurements and negatively affects postoperative quality of vision. Aggressively optimizing the ocular surface, both pre- […]

Seasonal Dry Eyes
With the heat of summer in our rear view window, the cool of winter is rapidly approaching. With the cooler weather comes increased problems for people with dry eyes. Dry eyes can be caused by a variety of factors. The two main causes to dry eyes are when the body doesn’t create enough tears, or […]

It’s time to protect your child’s eyes!
With summertime upon us, it’s time to think about how you can protect your child’s eyes! Whether the child needs prescription glasses or not, there are things you can do now to make sure you preserve your child’s eye health in the summertime and all year round. Wearing sunglasses with UV protection is important starting […]

Spotlight on Skin Cancer
As we are now hitting the hottest part of the summer, it’s a good time to talk about eye protection from the sun. You might already be aware that the ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause enough damage to your skin to cause cancer, but did you know that skin cancer is the most […]

Cataract Surgery Advances
A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s natural lens that occurs over time due to aging, certain diseases such as diabetes, certain medicines, smoking, family genetics and injury. Everyone who lives long enough gets cataracts at some point in their life. Key advances in cataract surgery now provide surgeons with exciting, potentially life-changing treatment […]

Diabetes and the Eyes
If you don’t have diabetes, chances are there’s someone in your family, or a friend you know, suffering from the disease. Diabetes is an epidemic both here in the United States and world wide. The statistics on the number of people with diabetes are staggering- There are an estimated 25.6 million Americans, 20 and older, […]

The Many Causes of Red Eyes
Red eyes are one of the most common conditions seen in an eye doctor’s office. Many people assume that if their eye is red that they have “pink eye”, when in fact a red eye can signify many different diagnoses. Pink eye is actually viral conjunctivitis which is only one cause of a red eye. […]

A Crash Course In Contact Lenses
Today’s contact lenses offer better comfort and clarity than ever. As a result they are a vision correction option for more people, even those who may have tried contacts in the past without success. Whether you are near-sighted, far-sighted, young, old, or somewhere in between there is likely a contact lens option that will fit […]

Glaucoma Treatments with Lasers
Glaucoma Lasers Patients with glaucoma may benefit from two major types of laser treatments. Both treatments can be performed in the office without needing to go to an operating room. Most patients are able to return to work the following day. The laser treatments are aimed at improving the internal drainage system of the eye. […]