
April is Eye Allergy Month at Metrolina Eye Associates!
Red, itchy and watering eyes are a common sight throughout the Charlotte and Metrolina area each spring, and this year will be no exception. Those beautiful Carolina trees will be in full bloom by the end of April, and with that will come the yellow coating of pollen we are all familiar with. With pollen […]

What options are there for getting out of reading glasses
I’m often asked by patients, “What options are there for getting out of reading glasses.” Wearing glasses, whether distance or reading glasses, can be a hassle and even a burden for many people. Glasses can interfere with favorite activities such as sports, outdoor activities, and hobbies. Over the counter reading glasses can be a hassle […]

Eye Health is Affected by Being Outside
One of the battles most people with kids have is getting them to get outside to play. This generation of kids, and adults, spend more time in front of electronics than any generation before it. Being outside has benefits for just about everyone. Sun exposure increases Vitamin D production in the body, which helps with […]

Age Related Macular Degeneration
There are two main types of ARMD including the dry and wet type. Most starts as the dry type and can progress to wet. There is currently no cure for macular degeneration; however there are many treatments that can help decrease the chance for worsening of site. Dry macular generation affects more individuals than wet and usually progresses […]

Diabetic Eye Disease
Most people are aware of the growing number of Americans with diabetes. However, most are not aware of the serious affects diabetes can have on the eyes. In fact, according to the CDC, the leading cause of blindness for Americans age 20-74 is something called diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy is an eye disease that can be […]

Pediatric Patching Tips for Success!
Many of our pediatric patients at Metrolina Eye Associates are prescribed patching as a part of their therapy. This is a common treatment for conditions such as strabismus (misaligned eyes) and amblyopia (lazy eye). Patching times can vary from as little as 30 minutes up to 8 or more hours per day! Some children only […]

A Patient’s Guide to Dry Eye Disease
Dry eye is one of the most common disorders that your eye care provider encounters on a daily basis. Dry eye is not just a disorder; it is a disease that needs chronic treatment, just like blood pressure or cholesterol. According to the National Eye Institute (NEI)/Industry Dry Eye Workshop: “Dry eye is a multifactorial […]

Welcome to our Newly Designed Website
Welcome to the newly designed website for Metrolina Eye Associates! This website has been created to provide a wealth of information for patients interested in the variety of treatments offered at our state-of-the art facility. Please take some time to peruse the site and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. […]